Monday 13 July 2015

Visual Research - 14/07/2015

Today I looked into visual references and artist inspiration for the 3D Foundations Visual Development project.

I looked at the artist Jen Zee (, particularly for her work on the games Transistor and Bastion - looking for ideas for the girl and sword.

I overall really like the aesthetic and colour Jen's works have.
- stylistic inspiration? More simplified in terms of style than her other works, which lends itself more easily to being translated into 3D, but still very expressive.

Proportion wise - mostly realistic, but with a larger head.  Nothing overly extreme - which goes with what I want for the contrast between the sword and the girl idea I have.  

Semi realistically shaped faces - nothing simplified down to far, ie, not quite broken down into basic shapes just yet.

I also looked at Annie Fix's ( works - specifically the developments with the little sister concepts done for Bioshock.
With playing around with the idea and design of the girl, I wanted a fantasy type theme, and thought using an older time period for the style of her dress might add to that.

Another artist who really inspires me is Jasmine Monterroso ( Overall I really love her motivation and passion, and especially the way she draws noses and mouths. Plus, I feel like she conveys mood and emotion really well in both her poses and expressions.

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