Monday 9 November 2015

Animating - Character (10/11/15)

"Update your blog", they say. "Okay", she accepts, and then forgets to for another hundred years.

I'm bad at this whole blogging thing (but I'm sure that's obvious by now, seriously.)

However! Progess is happening.
I fell behind a little when we hit the actual animating part, since I've realised a few things. One, animating a skirt is awful. Two, don't give the skirt multiple layers - why would you even do that. It's only going to end up with the two layers trying to go through one another, and it's going to suck. Three, I really didn't know what I was doing while rigging, and I've made this so hard on myself.

But, complaints aside, I'm filled with determination to finish this.

Look at all those torture rings controls.

See what I mean about the skirt going weird? That black's the inner layer. All the skin painting I tried to do couldn't make those two stay apart.

The beginning of her jumping out of the tower took the most effort, but I think I'm figuring that out.

It looks sorta decent in motion?

Everybody put your hands in the air if you just don't care

Figuring out the timing on the sword swing - which I haven't even brought the sword in yet, oops - is gonna be hard.

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